We love our bee-hosts

and our bee-hosts love us.

Have you always loved the idea of having a beehive in your garden?

But you don’t know where to start…

One of the most wonderful parts of our Grand Bee Adventure has been meeting all the fantastic people in our area who are interested in having a beehive in their garden.

We’ve had the pleasure of visiting gardens big, small, fancy, simple, manicured, scruffy and wild, all beautiful in their own way.

We have placed hives in secluded corners, open flowerbeds, and we even have one on top of a shed beside a chicken run!

We joke about every single host “they’re my favourite!”, because they’re all such warm wonderful interesting people, from every walk of life.

The Deal

The deal is simple:

You must live within a reasonable driving distance of us (Richmond upon Thames).

We will pop round for a visit and a chat and hopefully agree a suitable site for a hive.

Once the hive is in your garden, we will do all the work, but will need to be able to access it as needed (usually 2-4 times a month).

If you experience any problems, or change your mind, we will fix the problem, or remove the hive.

The hive remains ours and we can of course choose to take it away any time (unless you decide to buy it).

At the end of the season (August/Sep) we share the top 20% of our honey harvest equally amongst all our bee-hosts.