Finding homes for our Bees
When we decided to embark on our Grand Bee Adventure, it was immediately clear that we were going to have to find somewhere to put all the hives we were hoping to have.
We decided to put out a call on the Nexdoor App, which would have the advantage of only being visible to people who live in our area.
Our proposal was as follows: “We shall put a bee hive in your garden and visit it as often as necessary to do all the work involved in maintaining the health and happiness of the bees. In return for a small corner of your garden and access as needed, we will bestow every bee-host with an equal share of the top 20% of our honey harvest, as well as the pleasure of having a fascinating hive of busy bees to observe.”
The response was terrific and we were quickly inundated with inquiries from people, keen to host a bee hive.
We spent the next few weeks visiting gardens and making new friends. It turns out that people who want bee hives are the loveliest of people.
Of course, we didn't actually have any bees, or even hives, yet. But now our bees would have beautiful homes to go to, the time had come to do something about it!